2 months of subscription offered for the purchase of a Safee shell

Redevenez Libre & Safee !

en toutes situations

Protegez vous
et vos proches

360° protection

Safee is a phone case that conceals an anti-aggression device that can be activated in less than 3 seconds and offers up to 5 self-defense functions.

J'appuie 3 fois sur le bouton présent sur le boitier

Une alarme 105 décibels retentit

La retransmission vidéo se lance sur l'application

Envoi d'une notification à vos contacts d'urgence

Mise à disposition des preuves sur notre application

They talk about us

Intelligent Protection

Protect yourself and your loved ones in any situation with our innovation. Whether you're coming home late at night, wanting to watch over someone, or simply if your safety is a priority, our case provides unparalleled peace of mind. You can move with confidence, knowing that you have a reliable personal protection system at your fingertips.

Connected to the Safee app

The true power of the Safee phone case is revealed when paired with our app. Indeed, this combination provides access to a set of additional anti-aggression features, which reinforce your level of protection. Thanks to this synergy, you benefit from a complete and integrated solution to deal with all situations.

Notre partenariat avec la fondation The Sorority est au cœur de notre engagement social. The Sorority œuvre pour offrir soutien et ressources aux victimes de violences. En nous alliant à cette cause, Safee s'engage à reverser une part de chaque vente pour soutenir leurs actions essentielles. Ensemble, nous avançons vers un futur où sécurité et solidarité vont de pair.

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